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BULK UP SARMs Mass stack 56 Capsules

BULK UP SARMs Mass stack 56 Capsules

Regular price £229.99 GBP
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The BULK UP  Mass Stack is a premium mass-gaining supplement designed to support individuals looking to increase muscle size, strength, and overall mass. Formulated with a blend of SARMS made from high-quality ingredients, this supplement aims to provide the necessary nutrients and support for muscle growth and recovery – all in a single, convenient package.


MK-677 (10mg)

RAD-140 (15mg)

LGD-4033 (5 mg)

YK-11 (5 mg)

GW-501516 (10mg)

MK-2866 (10mg)

Benefits Of BULK UP

"Embark on a transformative journey with our meticulously crafted supplement, where each ingredient is selected for its unique benefits. Let's delve into the distinct advantages of each SARM included in our formula:

  1. MK-677 (10mg): Known for its ability to enhance growth hormone levels, MK-677 supports muscle growth and recovery. By promoting the secretion of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), it aids in building lean muscle mass and improving overall recovery time.

  2. RAD-140 (15mg): Renowned for its powerful anabolic effects, RAD-140 is prized for its ability to enhance strength, endurance, and muscle growth. It selectively targets androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, leading to significant gains in strength and lean muscle mass.

  3. LGD-4033 (5 mg): LGD-4033, also known as Ligandrol, is celebrated for its potential to stimulate muscle growth and enhance muscle strength. It works by selectively binding to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, resulting in increased protein synthesis and muscle mass.

  4. YK-11 (5 mg): YK-11 is a unique SARM that offers dual benefits of promoting muscle growth and inhibiting myostatin activity. By blocking myostatin, a protein that limits muscle growth, YK-11 allows for greater muscle hypertrophy and strength gains.

  5. GW-501516 (10mg): Commonly referred to as Cardarine, GW-501516 is prized for its ability to enhance endurance and fat metabolism. It works by activating the PPAR-delta pathway, leading to increased fat oxidation and improved endurance capacity, making it an ideal addition to any fitness regimen.

  6. MK-2866 (10mg): Also known as Ostarine, MK-2866 is valued for its ability to preserve lean muscle mass during periods of calorie deficit. It works by selectively targeting androgen receptors in muscle tissue, promoting protein synthesis and preventing muscle wasting.

By synergistically combining these potent ingredients, our supplement offers a comprehensive approach to optimizing your fitness journey. Experience the benefits of enhanced muscle growth, strength, endurance, and fat metabolism. Take the first step towards achieving your fitness goals today!"

Cycle Length

BULK UP is best used in cycles of 8-12 weeks by men and 6-8 weeks by women though this can differ according to individual preferences and cycle requirements.

Stack With

This is the ultimate muscle building stack. You dont need to stack this with anything.

Do I Need A PCT & Other Supplements?

We recommend adding SARMs Cycle Support 56 Capsules to any Sarm cycle. Cycle support will maximise the results and provide you with the requirements your body needs during extensive training & body recomposition.

Some Sarms can temporarily supress your natural testosterone levels. Its important after your cycle that you bring your Natural testosterone back to 100% in order to maintain your results made from your cycle. Our PCT is designed specifically for Sarms and will ensure you keep all your gains.Sarms PCT 56 Capsules

Please Note:

The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Before using SARMs, consult with a healthcare professional, especially if pregnant, nursing, under 18, or with pre-existing conditions. We do not endorse illegal use or make health claims. SARMs carry risks, including hormonal imbalances and liver toxicity. Use responsibly and adhere to dosage instructions.


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